Patients Partnering With Doctors: The Only Solution to a Broken Primary Care System

Patients Partnering With Doctors: The Only Solution to a Broken Primary Care System

Patients Partnering With Doctors: The Only Solution to a Broken Primary Care System

Healtheon Blog

Jun 25, 2024

I spent over 40 years as a family doctor. During that time, I witnessed firsthand the decline of the family doctor and the erosion of service levels. Being a family doctor was not just a job; it was a deeply fulfilling career. The close relationships I built with my patients, their appreciation for my work, and the opportunity to run a small business all contributed to a sense of satisfaction that is hard to find in other professions.

However, the economics of family practice no longer work. Expenses keep increasing, staff costs are high, and government funding is inadequate. Many doctors are quitting, leaving their patients without a family doctor. A family practice is no longer sustainable under these conditions.

The Decline of Family Practice

Over the years, the traditional model of family practice has faced numerous challenges. The increasing cost of maintaining a practice, including rent, utilities, and medical supplies, coupled with the rising salaries of support staff, has made it difficult for small practices to stay afloat. Government reimbursements have not kept pace with these escalating expenses, putting additional strain on family doctors.

Moreover, the administrative burden on doctors has grown exponentially. The time spent on paperwork has significantly reduced the time available for patient care. This has led to burnout among physicians, many of whom have chosen to leave the profession entirely. The result is a growing number of patients left without primary care providers, exacerbating the healthcare crisis.

A New Model: Patient-Doctor Partnerships

The only solution is for patients to partner with their doctors. A practice is a collective effort, thriving with the active participation of patients and the expertise of the doctor. Without either, the practice cannot exist. The patient-doctor partnership is crucial to the success of the practice.

Patients who are actively engaged in their healthcare tend to have better outcomes. This partnership model empowers patients to take a more active role in their health, fostering a collaborative environment where both patients and doctors work together to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Introducing Healtheon

This is where Healtheon comes in. Healtheon offers a unique opportunity for patients and doctors to form a partnership. This innovative platform not only ensures a sustainable economic basis for the practice but also enhances the quality of healthcare services.

Healtheon creates a sustainable economic foundation for a practice, allowing it to serve patients for decades. Patients can purchase monthly subscriptions from a menu of pay plans, paying for advanced AI-enabled technologies that make accessing the practice much easier. There's no longer a need to call back 5 to 10 times to try to access services.

Advanced Technologies and Team-Based Care

The integration of advanced technologies is a game-changer. AI-enabled systems streamline administrative tasks, manage patient records efficiently, and provide easy access to medical services. This reduces the workload on doctors and allows them to focus more on patient care. Patients benefit from faster response times and more efficient service.

Patients are also paying for team-based care, which includes nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and more administrative staff. Importantly, patients are not paying for medical services directly. Instead, they are paying for the infrastructure that supports these services. This model ensures that the practice has the necessary resources to provide high-quality care.

Specialist Virtual Case Reviews

Patients can also opt to purchase special plans that provide a specialist virtual case review within 1 to 2 weeks, not 1 to 2 years. This ensures timely and efficient care, a significant improvement over current wait times. Quick access to specialist reviews can lead to faster diagnoses and treatments, improving patient outcomes and overall satisfaction.

A Call to Action

The only solution to improving primary care is for patients to choose to partner with their doctors. We are all in this together. Patients should encourage their doctors to join the Healtheon network. This is urgent, or more patients will be left without a family doctor.

Together, we can transform the primary care system, ensuring better healthcare outcomes for all. Let’s spread the word and encourage more doctors and patients to join this innovative platform. We truly are in this together.

By embracing this new model, we can restore the vitality of family practice, improve patient care, and create a sustainable healthcare system that benefits everyone. The future of primary care depends on our ability to adapt and innovate. Healtheon represents a bold step forward in this journey. Join us and be part of the solution.

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